Monday, September 26, 2011

Dear Diary #11

September 25th, 2011

Ok, the last entry I forgot to post until today. Sorry about that, I forgot I even had it written.

Today I had Belltower Bootcamp, just a bit of info on journalism and meeting the new staff (I'm actually writing this while we're at the meeting). I'm eating pretzels and Cheeto Puffs! Yum!

And I'm half the time typing with my right hand alone.

Yesterday, and most of Friday, I was playing Wakfu. My Pandawa is halfway to 1,000 CP (citizen points) and that's how many you need to be a guard and that's my goal!

I have my first exam tomorrow on the first four chapters of my Biology book. I did well on the quizes thus far, I have a 90.5% A- in the class, so I should do well with some studying tonight. Josie is bribing me with awesome art depending on my grade; the better the grade the more pictures she draws. So that's adding to my goal of a good grade.

Well, now that I'm back to obsessing about Wakfu I will spam you with Wakfu related stuff. Do enjoy!

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