Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dear Diary #7.5

September 14th 2011 part two!

Ok, I forgot to tell you guys about Mei-chan's Butler manga! It is sooo different than the show!

First off, the grandpa tells Rhihito to sleep with Mei than when he is fighting a duel with Shinobu his acheles tendon gets severed and he's stuck recovering with his rapist of a new boss Lucia/Shiori!! Yea, and that's after its revealed that Shinobu and her do nasty adult things together to 'starve off boredom'!

Yea there's a lot more than that, but I don't feel like rambling on when I have to work on a paper that, if I don't work on now, it will never get done and I will be screwed. That is all.

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